Jobs at Intel IA

To help Intel improve the user experience of career candidates and Intel’s own ability to clearly manage that experience we recommended updates to and a seamless transition between the two existing structures: the platform and Careers at Intel section of the corporate website.

While this happened in conjunction with a project to redesign of the site’s global header navigation, our stakeholders were focused on their responsibility for the full careers experience. I created a site map and information architecture, and couched our recommended changes in a conceptual model that helped convince the Intel team to embrace the paradigm shift and equipped them to carry those recommendations forward through future updates.





Jobs.Intel Experience Design


Publicis Sapient

Creative Team

  • User Experience Direction / Mark Sloan
  • Strategist / Brian Kennedy
  • CD-Information Architect / Todd Zerger

Experience Design

Persona-driven conceptual model

Using persona mindsets we were able to ensure that empathy was at the center of an updated experience that would guide candidates on a path to success.

Experience Design

Previous platform dependent structure

Splitting the experience across two platforms, owned by different teams had led to a sitemap that looked simple but created a disjointed and frustrating experience that confused candidates.

Experience Design

Sitemap realigned to mindsets

The revised sitemap looks a bit more complicated but represents paths to success that are much more straightforward and in line with common user mindsets. An additional site map proposed new pages and content that would drive additional simplification and clarity in the future.

Old user flow

Flows determined by accrued technology decisions led to flows that start with obscure navigation leading to loops, dead ends and impediments. Slide the toggle to the left to see full flow.

New user flow

Flows based key user objectives helped to demonstrate the potential for simplification and opportunities for additional valuable content. Slide the toggle to the right to see full flow.


Experience Design

Competitive landscape audit

Careful observation of the competitive landscape provided insight into what candidates are experiencing elsewhere. Whether to adhere to a norm, pluck the best of the best, or raise the bar to create a new standard becomes the first data-driven design decision.